
Self-test for Bulimia Nervosa

Part (A) Do you have the following symptoms? 
1. There are recurrent episodes of over-eating (at least twice a week over a period of 3 months) in which large amounts of food are consumed in short periods of time.
2. There is persistent preoccupation with food, and a strong desire or a sense of compulsion to eat (craving).
3. You have attempted to counteract the ‘fattening’ effects of food by one or more of the following:
•  Self-induced vomiting
•  Self-induced purging
•  Alternating periods of starvation
•  Use of drugs such as appetite suppressants, thyroids preparations or diuretics
4. There is self-perception of being too fat, with an intrusive dread of fatness.


How to determine if you have Bulimia Nervosa?
If you have most of the symptoms from part A, you may be suffering from Bulimia Nervosa. You may consider seeing a mental health specialist for professional advice.