
Self-test for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

Part (A) Have you ever had the following symptoms? 
1. Either obsession or compulsions (or both) are present on most days for a period of at least 2 weeks
2. The obsession or compulsions cause distress or interfere with your social or individual functioning, usually by wasting time


Part (B) Have you ever had the following symptom? 
Obsessions (thoughts, ideas or images) and compulsions (acts) share the following features, all of which must be present:
1. They are acknowledged as originating in the mind of yourself, and are not imposed by outside persons or influences
2. They are repetitive and unpleasant, and at least one obsession or compulsion that is acknowledged as excessive or unreasonable must be present
3. You have tried to resist them (but resistance to very long-standing obsessions or compulsions may be minimal). At least one obsession or compulsion that is unsuccessfully resisted must be present
4. Experiencing the obsessive thought or carrying out the compulsive act is not in itself pleasurable. (This should be distinguished from the temporary relief of tension or anxiety)

How to determine if you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
If you have all of the symptoms from part (A) and (B), you may be suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You may consider seeing a psychiatrist for professional advice.